something is better than…

How come every time I think about writing a music post it turns into a confession?

I’m feeling pretty guilty about the way things are progressing.  People are asking me, “when’s your next show?” and I’m telling them I don’t know.  But I have other dreams too, you know.  Not just music.  I have the reasons why I wanted to play music in the first place; not to be famous rolling in riches but to simply be communicating with others lost or unrealized ideas.  I find myself searching for other ways to do this aside from music now…

Plus, let’s be honest, music isn’t making me any money right now and here I am, almost 26, living hand to mouth.  Maybe I should be refocusing my efforts on more money-making endeavors, or my “back-up plan”.  Ugh, I truly have come to hate that phrase, I almost can’t believe I wrote it.  It sets me up for failure in whatever I’m attempting to back-up.

With that said, I miss my music playing…  Little things like tooling around with one chord to see what I can make with it.  Privately playing a three chord repeat and singing whatever comes to mind.  I’m not brave enough to put up one of those recordings so for now this one will have to do: